Twelve four-five-six Twenty Twenty
Let\'s recap the weekend.Starting on Friday:Esperanza landed on Mac\'s school desk, in a jar so she could be easily moved. Smart move on her part. Mac as excited that she could show Esperanza to her school friends on zoom. However, she was very...
moms - 2020-12-08 21:25:09 |
Twelve Three Twenty Twenty
Esperanza made her way to my bookcase, and brought a friend. This friend, a plush mini elf was hanging on a tree on the opposite side of the house. Well played Esperanza. This picture also shows off some of my favorite books and my Funko Pop figure...
moms - 2020-12-04 21:26:17 |
Twelve Two Twenty Twenty
Esperanza landed by our"sanitizing" station. Our stockings also happen to hang here as well. Just a friendly reminder to wash your hands and sanitize. I have yet to figure out how to make her a mask, so maybe that\'s something I can look into....
moms - 2020-12-03 21:28:22 |
Hello Thirteen
My oldest daughter turns 13 tomorrow. How that happened I cannot say, one day she was a toddler and then I was dropping her off at middle school last August. In the blink of an eye is an understatement.I\'ve been thinking about this day thirteen...
moms - 2020-06-26 21:24:45 |
Intentional Living: February is the new January
I\'m writing this on what feels like the 93rd day of January. It\'s actually the 30th, but it really does feel like the 93rd. I\'m not the only one who feels this way according to all the memes I\'ve seen on social media. It only took me the...
moms - 2020-01-31 22:09:47 |
Intentional Living: Part One Year End
I ended 2019 in an actual fog of gratitude and grief. The year itself hadn\'t been all bad, and was poised to end on a high. I was happy and content. I had survived the transition into middle school with my tween. I had just about made it through...
moms - 2020-01-23 22:17:04 |
The Open and the Close (Seventh grade)
"I open at the close" - JK Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly HallowsThe day of Caitlin\'s sixth grade promotion, all I could think about was the line, "I open at the close". JK Rowling is the master of feelings and emotions, so it seemed...
moms - 2019-08-20 22:08:02 |
Staying True
How do you tell a story that isn?t yours"You don?t.It?s not a trick question, it?s a real and honest one.In 2011, when I started this blog, the only requirement I had for myself was to be honest. To tell the truth, even if it was hard and ugly. At...
moms - 2018-01-13 22:21:58 |
Becoming a Writer
Since I haven\'t been able to get my writing groove back, I\'ve decided to participate in the DIY MFA Book Club. You can find more info out here. There are writing prompts that push you to think, and more importantly, write. Cheers to a new...
moms - 2018-01-12 22:17:47 |
Busy {a four letter word}
Every time I\'m asked, "How are you today"", my default answer is, "Busy".I\'m busy. My kids are busy. My husband is busy. Everyone in this household is busy.And it\'s summer. Summer of all the times of the year! I have vague memories of...
moms - 2017-07-27 21:24:08 |
March/April/May {a recap}
I realize it\'s been years (not really but feels like it) since I\'ve blogged. It\'s weird because I think about this blog daily. As if it\'s one of my kids, and in a way it is. Some days I feel bad about being away from this spot, but most...
moms - 2017-05-31 21:23:24 |
Cravings {a story about new motherhood}
The Honest Co. asked me to write about my experience with baby formula. I was happy to oblige, but it felt like ancient history. Funny, when it came to writing it, I didn\'t have to dig to deep. Some experiences never leave you. This is my...
moms - 2017-04-21 21:25:12 |
Thirty Nine {and counting}
On Sunday I\'ll be thirty nine. THIRTY. NINE. Weird. I don\'t feel thirty nine. I don\'t remember aging. I still feel every bit of twenty nine, even thirty, if only in spirit. In my mind I\'m still young. My spirit hasn\'t aged a day, but...
moms - 2017-03-24 21:21:36 |
We don't have time to pee... {December 2016}
I\'ve done nothing but sleep and read since the day after Christmas. That\'s not the whole truth, but it\'s 95% of it. December was a blur, and not in the cliche way, like it was so magical and jammed packed with fun it just flew by. No, it...
moms - 2017-01-10 21:22:45 |
Goodbye December/ Goodbye 2016
It occurred to me an hour ago that I had not posted a single thing in the month of December.I should have realized this sooner, but the truth is, I was too busy. Too overwhelmed. Too distracted by a season that should have been more focused.My last...
moms - 2017-01-01 21:22:24 |
30 Day Writing Challenge {Day 1 /Social Media}
November is National Novel Writing Month and every November I promise myself that I\'m going to hunker down and write my novel. I haven\'t, but what I found was a 30 day writing challenge for the month to spark some creativity. I found this pin...
moms - 2016-11-09 21:23:29 |
30 Day Writing Challenge {Day 2: Earliest Memories}
November is National Novel Writing Month and every November I promise myself that I\'m going to hunker down and write my novel. I haven\'t, but what I found was a 30 day writing challenge for the month to spark some creativity. I found this pin...
moms - 2016-11-07 21:24:39 |
Uncommon Gifts for this Holiday Season {Uncommon Goods}
***I was approached by Uncommon Goods to give my honest opinion on their site and the kinds of products they offer. The opinions expressed in this post are mine. I\'ve been a fan of Uncommon Goods for years, so this was a fun post to write. And...
moms - 2016-11-02 21:22:35 |
Taking Stock {October 2016}
I haven\'t blogged in so long that I was looking for a way to come back and not write an extremely long post about life. In the past I\'ve always loved the Taking Stock posts because they give readers a look into what you are doing right now....
moms - 2016-10-25 21:24:20 |
Better Things are on the way! {Mom Giveaway}
I\'ve been talking up the new FX show Chipolo Bluetooth keyringLeather Clutch for mom?s thingsEmergency Beauty KitHypoallergenic travel pillowUltra-Soft travel pillow protectorEssential Oils Blend Mini Cool Blue Tooth Keyring and Ray Ban Sunnies...
moms - 2016-09-22 21:23:54 |
Embracing My Mess {Life Lately} September Sixteen
viaFor weeks I have been trying to embrace my mess. To love and thrive in the chaos that is my life.In my mind, there are so many things to say, to write, to share. I\'m overwhelmed at where to start.I\'ll start with summer and go from there. ...
moms - 2016-09-20 21:23:17 |
Profanity over Perfection: Why FX's Better Things is Everything!
Image via FacebookI have no doubt that Better Things on FX will be one of my favorite TV shows this fall. To me it feels like a reality show, but for many moms Sam maybe over the top. I?m 99% sure that Sam doesn?t have a Pinterest account and her...
moms - 2016-09-15 14:09:56 |
What I Read {Behind Closed Doors: Book Review}
It\'s very rare that I purchase books that are of the psychological thriller genre. It\'s not that I don\'t like that genre, it\'s just not what I uaually read. Rarely do they have the happy endings of chick lit. They hardly ever end with a...
moms - 2016-08-09 21:22:55 |
This Summer {2016}
It\'s August 1st. There are exactly 21 days left until our first day of school. Twenty-one days. How is that possible" This summer it has all gone way too fast. We are not ready summer! Do not leave us yet!!A few weeks ago I read this interesting...
moms - 2016-08-02 21:21:25 |
Becoming a Better Mother
Motherhood wins are so few and far between. Everyday is a battle, hard fought, and sometimes lost. Some days are superhuman with a home cooked dinner and laundry folded and put away. Some days are a loss when the kids stay in their pajamas all day...
moms - 2016-07-22 21:22:46 |