How awesome are your pregnancy boobs"

How awesome are your pregnancy boobs"

by Cindy Wilkins posted in Mom Stories Lately, there has been a little bow-chicka-bow-wow every time I undress. Thanks to my pregnancy, I have the heaving bosoms of a Harlequin Romance heroine. They are glorious! Before I get carried away (or...
babies - 2018-06-29 21:48:45
5 things I miss about pregnancy and 10 things I don?t

5 things I miss about pregnancy and 10 things I don?t

by Angela Holland posted in Mom Stories Being fresh out of what felt like a never-ending pregnancy can make you reflective. I now have a beautiful daughter and a perfect, new son, and I?m feeling pretty confident that I?ll tap out of the...
babies - 2018-06-29 21:48:45
These were the most popular baby names 100 years ago

These were the most popular baby names 100 years ago

by Carolyn Robertson posted in Pregnancy The last few years have seen the rise of brand new names like Kylo, Royalty, and Reign. They\'re definitely unique, but not exactly every mom-to-be\'s cup of tea. If the new crop of names isn\'t...
babies - 2018-06-28 21:45:35
9 words that make moms feel like failures

9 words that make moms feel like failures

by Marcella Gates posted in Mom Stories Words have power to boost us up or deflate us. So it\'s annoying that aspects of pregnancy, birth, and motherhood are described in such negative terms. Here are my least favorites, in no particular...
babies - 2018-06-27 21:47:24
7 ways to plan for an unplanned c-section

7 ways to plan for an unplanned c-section

by Andrea Updyke posted in Mom Stories When I was getting ready for the birth of my first son, I wanted to plan ahead as much as possible. I took birth classes, read books and talked to my friends about their experiences. I made a birth plan,...
babies - 2018-06-27 21:47:24
5 ways to keep your baby smiling

5 ways to keep your baby smiling

by Ashleigh Evans posted in Parenting Brand-new smiles are the most delicious baby milestone ever. That first big grin is enough to melt away some of the new-motherhood chaos you might be experiencing, and make you feel like you\'re floating...
babies - 2018-06-26 21:46:27
7 ways to start teaching independence

7 ways to start teaching independence

by Lani Derrick posted in Parenting "Mommy, I want to live with you forever," my son recently said to me. Those are some of the sweetest words I can hear, but realistically that isn\'t going to happen -- at least I hope not. I have big...
babies - 2018-06-25 21:48:45
4 reasons I love shopping at Walgreens

4 reasons I love shopping at Walgreens

by Ashleigh Evans posted in Products As a busy mom of four, convenience is key, but I\'m also always on a budget. Walgreens is easy on my wallet for essentials and I always know exactly what to expect at every location I visit. There are so...
babies - 2018-06-24 21:47:11
12 ways summer break sucks the life out of parents

12 ways summer break sucks the life out of parents

by Carolyn Robertson posted in Parenting While students - and their teachers, too - are happily launching themselves headfirst into summer, parents aren\'t quite as excited about the prospect of having their children underfoot for three long,...
babies - 2018-06-21 21:49:27
10 things you should know before getting pregnant

10 things you should know before getting pregnant

by BabyCenter Guest Blogger posted in Mom Stories It\'s 3:01 p.m. I, very literally, have 29 minutes to pee as much as I want until I\'m not allowed to pee for more than three hours . . . that is, if I want to learn the gender of my baby...
babies - 2018-06-21 21:49:27
Attention rookie parents: all you need to know about diapering

Attention rookie parents: all you need to know about diapering

by McKenzie Stamper posted in Parenting All right, new and soon-to-be parents, let\'s talk diapers. If you\'ve never changed a diaper before, it\'s okay: don\'t stress! It may seem a bit overwhelming at first, but trust me, you\'ll get...
babies - 2018-06-20 21:46:51
Are your kids taking unnecessary supplements"

Are your kids taking unnecessary supplements"

by Claudia Boyd-Barrett posted in Parenting About a third of kids and teens are regularly swallowing dietary supplements, even though they probably don\'t need them, told the New York Times. He said there\'s no evidence healthy children...
babies - 2018-06-20 21:46:51
Having the confidence to let your baby grow up

Having the confidence to let your baby grow up

by BabyCenter Guest Blogger posted in Parenting By Chelsea Day This boy is actually my second-youngest kid, but he\'s my baby. He\'s the one who crawls into my bed in the middle of the night, the one who clings a little harder during...
babies - 2018-06-20 21:46:51
If babies wrote motivational posters, they'd look like this

If babies wrote motivational posters, they'd look like this

by Maggie Downs posted in Mom Stories Sometimes I look at my son, and I wish I could be more like him. Not the spitting-up part or the weird puréed foods, of course. But the wonder with which he sees the world. The way he just exists, fully...
babies - 2018-06-19 21:47:38
The secret fear that kept me from breastfeeding my 3 babies

The secret fear that kept me from breastfeeding my 3 babies

by Melissa Willets posted in Mom Stories If you\'ve read any of my posts about formula feeding, you know I never had an intense desire to experience breastfeeding. Still, I attempted to breastfeed when my first daughter was born. A few setbacks...
babies - 2018-06-19 21:47:38
Be ready for anything with these 10 things in your travel diaper bag

Be ready for anything with these 10 things in your travel diaper bag

by BabyCenter Guest Blogger posted in Parenting By Naz Helms My husband and I have always loved to travel. Despite our busy schedules, we try to take an international trip at least once a year and squeeze in road trips as often as possible. Our...
babies - 2018-06-19 21:47:38
5 ways to bond with your baby (besides breastfeeding)

5 ways to bond with your baby (besides breastfeeding)

by BabyCenter Featured Expert posted in Parenting By Jill Simonian Those first few weeks with a new baby can be a trip. Who is this new person" Why is she staring at me" Man, she\'s tiny and cute...but she just keeps staring at me! To say I...
babies - 2018-06-17 21:49:13
10 Instagram moms who remind us we're never alone

10 Instagram moms who remind us we're never alone

by Becky Vieira posted in Life Motherhood is amazing. It can also be lonely. Thankfully other moms are there to lean on when we need it. Unless you\'re like me, who spent the first few months of my son?s life without any mom friends.  I turned...
babies - 2018-06-17 21:49:13
7 things I'm NOT feeling guilty about anymore

7 things I'm NOT feeling guilty about anymore

by Kerala Taylor posted in Mom Stories I?m only 4.5 months in, and I?m already suffering from the classic mommy guilt complex. We try to do it all, but we?re never doing enough. Here\'s what I\'m starting to wonder: Do I have to feel this...
babies - 2018-06-17 21:49:13
Easy Father's Day tuxedo ice cream (no churn!)

Easy Father's Day tuxedo ice cream (no churn!)

by Lindsay Weiss posted in Life & Home This ice cream is a mouthwatering surprise the kids can help make for Dad this weekend. Think salted caramel ice cream with a fudge swirl running through to give it the desired tuxedo (black and white-ish)...
babies - 2018-06-17 21:49:13
Why don't more family homes have nurseries attached to the master bedroom"

Why don't more family homes have nurseries attached to the master bedroom"

by Michelle Stein posted in Parenting About a week ago, my family of five said goodbye to our home, packed up our belongings and moved into a new house. And by "new," I mean "new to us" because this house is actually older than our previous...
babies - 2018-06-17 21:49:13
Is your toddler eating too much sugar"

Is your toddler eating too much sugar"

by Claudia Boyd-Barrett posted in Parenting Chances are high your toddler is eating too much added sugar, potentially putting him at risk for obesity and other health problems later in life, according to a new study by the Centers for Disease...
babies - 2018-06-17 21:49:13
My baby is growing up but I still use these baby products

My baby is growing up but I still use these baby products

by BabyCenter Guest Blogger posted in Parenting By Amiyrah Martin My baby isn\'t a baby anymore. I\'ve finally come to terms with it. At the ripe old age of 3, he\'s experiencing all the things little kiddos do: potty training, learning...
babies - 2018-06-17 21:49:13
Pregnancy exhaustion is no joke, folks

Pregnancy exhaustion is no joke, folks

by Michelle Stein posted in Pregnancy When I was pregnant with my very first baby, my daily routine was highly predictable. After throwing up on the side of the road in the middle of my drive to work (and then about an hour after arriving,) I...
babies - 2018-06-17 21:49:13
My 3 year old sleeps with a pacifier

My 3 year old sleeps with a pacifier

by Andrea Updyke posted in Mom Stories I have a confession to make. My 3 year old uses a pacifier when he sleeps. Also" I have no intention of taking it away. We\'ve all seen the pictures of older celebrity babies pacifiers/bottle/high heels...
babies - 2018-06-17 21:49:13
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