Second Day – Christmas Crafting 2021
I have created a few new ornaments to represent the year. I made these for my girlfriends and slipped a few into Christmas cards this year. Of course I will reserve a set of four for our tree. Here?s hoping… Continue reading →
moms - 2024-01-10 06:13:53 |
Ninth Day – Christmas Crafting 2021
With all of the knitting I do I end up with a lot of tiny leftovers. Even though I throughly enjoy playing yarn chicken (trying to finish a project with just enough yarn), I still end up with more leftover… Continue reading →
moms - 2024-01-10 06:13:53 |
Seventh Day – Christmas Crafting 2021
One year ago we picked up a puppy. Our first puppy. He has grown to be a big part of this family. He is gentle with the kids, loves to play games and is always up for a walk or… Continue reading →
moms - 2024-01-10 06:13:53 |
Fifth day – Christmas Crafting 2021
When I first started making as a pre-teen cross stitch was my craft. I made & sold lots of ornaments. I also have many cross stitch ornaments on the tree that were made for me by my mom. So when… Continue reading →
moms - 2024-01-10 06:13:53 |
Third Day – Christmas Crafting 2021
I?m not sure about you but I?m starting to feel ?jolly AF?, at least when drinking. A few years ago I?d open a bottle of wine and drink the whole thing myself. Not in one sitting. Not in one day… Continue reading →
moms - 2024-01-10 06:13:53 |
Eleventh day – Christmas Crafting 2021
A year ago we were having a quarantine Christmas and I was hanging out with my quarantine crew. Fast forward a year and it feels pretty similar. I am happy that my 2020 crew is also my 2021 crew for… Continue reading →
moms - 2024-01-10 06:13:53 |
Eighth Day – Christmas Crafting
I started running years ago and found in the winter my ears would get cold. I ran in a toque but I got too warm. So one night before I was running the next day whipped up a headband and… Continue reading →
moms - 2024-01-10 06:13:53 |
Sixth Day – Christmas Crafting 2021
I saw these naked nutcrackers at the craft store and was inspired to deck them out in holiday style. I painted them while watching many Christmas movies sitting beside the Christmas tree. The Christmas spirit is finally starting to creep… ...
moms - 2024-01-10 06:13:53 |
Fourth Day – Christmas Crafting 2021
I remember the first time we went and made clay pieces as a family. Our youngest was about 5 which was the minimum age and for a good reason. It was hard building clay creations and helping the kids with… Continue reading →
moms - 2024-01-10 06:13:53 |
Twelfth Day – Christmas Crafting 2021
That?s a wrap on Christmas 2021. All that?s left is the dishes. Good thing I have a few new dish clothes to clean up the mess.
moms - 2024-01-10 06:13:53 |
Thailand – Elephant Hills
The very best day that we spent in Thailand was at Elephant Hills. It happened to be my husband’s birthday. Even thought he took me to Thailand for my 40th, he managed to celebrate his birthday in Thailand as well.… Continue reading →
moms - 2018-01-05 22:16:39 |
Christmas Crafts – Day 11
It’s the 12th day of Christmas today, or maybe even day 13 but if you are like me then perhaps you have lost track of the days. My oldest saw kids making these at school this week and decided that… Continue reading →
moms - 2017-12-26 22:19:08 |
Christmas Crafts – Day 12
Wow, I made it. We crafted through the 12 days of Christmas once again. I had a little help this year from the elves. This final project was made for my husband. He was in need of a new winter… Continue reading →
moms - 2017-12-26 22:19:08 |
Christmas Crafts -Day 9
The kids and I usually make a gingerbread house from a kit around Christmas. The goal isn’t about the baking, it’s about the decorating and spending time together creating something. This year my son mentioned seeing a train gingerbread kit… ...
moms - 2017-12-24 22:10:54 |
Christmas Crafts – Day 8
Wow, today was a day. I’m on an emotional roller coaster and I’m exhausted. Whose with me" I’m ready for that long winter nap I’ve heard so much about. The kids had a Christmas craft night at their school tonight.… Continue reading →
moms - 2017-12-22 22:10:40 |
Christmas Crafts – Day 7
Our Christmas tree is decorated in ornaments that were given to me when I was a child, some were made and some were bought. Each year I received at least one ornament, and now as an adult (up for debate… Continue reading →
moms - 2017-12-21 22:12:07 |
Christmas Crafts – Day 5
Every once and a while I get the opportunity to use my crafting skills to help others. Crafting skills don’t really come in handy that often so I tend to jump when I can help someone by making something. I… Continue reading →
moms - 2017-12-20 22:13:03 |
Christmas Crafts – Day 6
I was making a craft today when my five year old asked if he could have a clear ornament ball which I was planning on using for my project. He was very excited, and told me he was going to… Continue reading →
moms - 2017-12-20 22:13:03 |
Christmas Crafts – Day 4
At this rate I might have to change the title to New Years Crafts. It’s only 8 days to Christmas day and I am on day 4 of Christmas Crafts. We will see how close I can get to 12.… Continue reading →
moms - 2017-12-18 22:38:57 |
Christmas Crafts – Day 3
On the first day of Christmas my true love made for me?an ornament wreath. On the second day of Christmas my true loves made with me…mugs. We have two plum trees in our yard that are big fruit producers. This… Continue reading →
moms - 2017-12-14 22:07:56 |
Christmas Crafts – Day 2
At Halloween we took the kids to a local craft shop to make Halloween bowls. While we were there the kids saw posters for holiday mugs, and they decided that this “crafting thing” was going to be something that we… Continue reading →
moms - 2017-12-13 22:12:04 |
Christmas Crafts – Day 1
This blog began as a 12 days of Christmas Crafting blog, which has morphed over the years to incorporate whatever was going on in my life. I have kept up the 12 days of Christmas crafting for quite a few… Continue reading →
moms - 2017-12-13 22:12:04 |
Sampran Riverside Village
As a maker I am interested in crafts so the Sampran Riverside Village was right up my alley. We learned about and tried our hand at some traditional Thai crafts. We learned how silk can be spun by hand into… Continue reading →
moms - 2017-12-05 22:06:46 |
Floating Market
In addition to temples, and tuk tuks there are many markets in Thailand. The Damnoen Saduak floating market was about an hour and a half out of Bangkok but it was worth the drive for the experience. There are a… Continue reading →
moms - 2017-12-05 22:06:46 |
Railway Market
I think that I love to be surprised, but I am not good at accepting surprises. The truth is that I love the idea of being surprised. When we go on vacation I painstakingly research everything, so that we can… Continue reading →
moms - 2017-12-01 22:11:28 |