10 Exam Revision Tips from Education Experts

To help with effective goal-setting and handling stress when revising, we spoke to Tutorful who provided us with some top tips from industry experts on how to help students with revision and to ultimately improve exam results.
Practice and preparation is vital for exam success, but it can be difficult for students to know where to start and can quickly become overwhelming. Here are 10 exam revision tips as told by education specialists.
Top 10 Exam Revision Tips
1. Get Rid of Distractions
Credit: Unsplash
“These days, we?re always trying to multitask. Whenever we?re at home, the TV is always on in the background or we?re scrolling on our phones.
“We?ve become accustomed to having this background noise, however when it comes down to important tasks like revision, we should really try to remove these distractions. “Instead of allowing your child to revise with a movie on in the background, make sure they split their time between silent, focused revision followed by time to relax and do their own thing.”
– James Hamlin, CMO of Tutorful
2. Work Play Balance
Credit: Unsplash
“Make a plan, but don?t forget to set aside time to relax and enjoy doing the things that make you happy.”
–Dr Ems Lord, University of Cambridge
3. Story Time
Credit: Unsplash
“If you are struggling to remember facts, place them in a narrative story, and retell yourself the story repeatedly. In an exam, you are more likely to reme...
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