12 Perfect Gift Baskets Any Lady Will Appreciate

Choosing a gift for a female friend or relative can be a daunting task. No matter how well you know them, there’s always that small chance you don’t get the gift just right. That’s why a gift basket is a nice way to cover all grounds and know that at least one of the items in there will make the receiver happy.
Gift baskets are also themed in some way, providing a makeshift ready kit for an activity or relaxing. When you know the likes and hobbies of the one the gift basket is meant for, you’re already halfway in making the absolute perfect gift.
To help you the rest of the way, here we have a list of some really beautiful and thoughtful gift baskets you can put together without breaking your budget.
1. Pampering Gift Basket
Photo: realcoake.com Who doesn’t want a nice relaxing and pampering bath at the end of a rough day" Somehow, we always find excuses not to do so, even though we really need that pampering. With this gift basket, all you need is at hand, leaving you only with the task of filling up the tub and enjoy.
2. New Mom Gift Basket
Photo: anightowlblog.com
Becoming a mom for the first time is wonderful, scary and life-changing, especially in those first few months. While all the attention is on the baby, new moms can feel left out of all the things they used to do. Remind them they’re not the only ones feeling that way with this great gift basket for new moms.
3. Manicure Gift Basket
Photo: jolynneshane.com
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