25 holiday pajamas for the whole family

Christmas break is the best excuse to wear your pjs all day. These cozy (often matching) sets will keep the entire family feeling festive this holiday season?even the dog! Scroll through to see our picks for the best family Christmas pajamas.
1. Hatley x Indigo Adult Buffalo Check Union Suit
Image courtesy of Indigo
$59, indigo.ca
2. Burt?s Bees Baby Merry Mittens Family PJs
Image courtesy of Burt’s Bees Baby
From $14 US, burtsbeesbaby.com
3. Sesame Street x Smash + Tess The Monster Romper
Image courtesy of Smash + Tess
$129 (men?s and women?s) and $53 (kids), smashtess.comÂ
4. Little Sleepies Bamboo Viscose Pajama Sets
Image courtesy of Little Sleepies
From $29 US, littlesleepies.com
5. Ultra Stretch Soft Onesie
Image courtesy of La vie en rose
$50, lavieenrose.com 6. Newborn 3 Piece Set
Image courtesy of Joe Fresh
$24, joefresh.comÂ
7. Family Pajamas Hooded One-Piece Pajamas
Image courtesy of Nordstrom
$62, nordstrom.com
8. Graphic Pajama Set for Boys
Image courtesy of Old Navy
$37, oldnavy.ca
9. Baby Print PJ One-Piece
Image courtesy of Gap
$40, gapcanada.ca
10. Flannel PJ Set
Image courtesy of La Vie En Rose
$35, lavieenrose.com
11. Family Holiday PJs
Image courtesy of Pat Pat
From $19, Patpat.com (please pick an image of a pair that isn?t on sale, if possible)
12. Family PJ Set
Image courtesy of Land’s End
From $18, landsend.com
13. ?My Jammies? Organic Kids Pajamas
Image courtesy of Parade Organics
$39, paradebaby.com
14. HBC Stripes Baby’s Multi...
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