Amy Schumer got one of those awful vagina cakes and her face says it all

When a friend or relative is pregnant, it’s usually a nice gesture to give them a little something to celebrate the upcoming birth. However, Amy Schumer now knows that not all gifts are created equal, because her sister-in-law gave her this:
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My sister in law. And I can?t stress that enough IN LAW. surprised me with a horrifying cake and i can?t thank her enough. So I won?t thank her at all. @mofischhh something is truly wrong with you and i love you. #haunting #butthole
A post shared by @ amyschumer on Jan 28, 2019 at 3:12am PST
Yup, she got one of those super creepy, WAY-too-graphic baby shower cakes that sends shivers down your spine. We’ve seen plenty of these cakes before, but as far as we know Amy is the first celeb mom to have received one?or at least, the first to admit it on social media.
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This woman has the WORST theme idea for her best friend's baby showerThis kind of cake seems pretty on-brand for Amy’s sense of humour, so you can’t really blame her sister-in-law for picking it. You’d think a comedian who made a music video to a song featuring the lyrics “This is where my poop comes out” would be laughing her head off over th...
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