Do babies dream"

Anyone who has watched a snoozing baby has wondered what?s going on when they smile or twitch in their sleep. Do babies dream" Turns out, we don?t actually know if they dream or not. ?We can only know if someone has a dream if they can tell us about it and, of course, babies can?t do that,? says Antonio Zadra, a psychology professor at the Université de Montréal and a researcher at the Center for Advanced Research in Sleep Medicine at the Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal.
What do researchers think about babies and dreams"
In adults, we?re most likely to dream during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, although dreams can happen during other sleep stages, too. This REM sleep may even start before birth: Brain waves that closely resemble those found in REM sleep have been measured inside the womb between 25Â and 28 weeks. Since babies spend about half of their sleeping time in REM sleep, some researchers think it only makes sense that they are having some form of dreams. On the other hand, some scientists say that babies are not developmentally capable of the kind of abstract thinking (including the ability to imagine things visually and self-awareness) you need to have dreams. Â What do babies dream about"
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What is a dream fee...
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