Hey, world" Not all boys play sports

When my kids meet someone new, after the standard exchange of pleasantries, the next inevitable question seems to be, ?What sports are you into"?
Then it gets awkward. Because my boys don?t play any team or competitive sports. Shocker, I know.
So, I feel like I need to remind folks: Not all boys play sports.
Mine are probably the exception around our small town. But it still throws me when strangers are surprised or even disappointed when my children admit to having zero team affiliations. They don?t even watch sports on TV or cheer on a favourite team. We might turn on the halftime show of the Super Bowl? might.
My oldest would tell you he skateboards, and writes technology reviews.
My youngest might mention he plays piano, sings in the choir and rocks the French horn in his school band. He?s also a Math Bowl, Spell Bowl and Lego Robotics guy. Both my boys are proficient swimmers and rock climbers. They?re in good shape and coordinated. It’s the competitiveness of kids? sports that’s turned both of them off.
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