How to Sterilize Pacifiers: A Simple Guide

For new parents, the world of babies is unfamiliar territory?every day is a new learning experience! One of the top items on every new parent's newborn checklist are the best pacifier for newborns?the instinctive action of sucking helps to soothe babies and what?s better than a calm, content baby"
What parents don?t hear enough about is learning how to sterilize pacifiers, which is a key skill to have on lock. Pacifiers are constantly in and out of your little one?s mouth throughout the day?by cleaning and sterilizing it, you?re minimizing the risk of bacteria and germs from harming them.
With just a few simple steps, here?s how parents and caretakers can sterilize their little one?s pacifier.
Why it is important to sterilize pacififers As baby is adjusting to the world, it?s key to make this experience as seamless as possible. ?[Using a pacifier] can be helpful to soothe a fussy infant in a variety of situations,? explains Dr. Mona Amin, board-certified pediatrician at International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.
?They are particularly helpful at night to help an infant fall asleep and in public spaces when you?re trying to keep your infant calm and quiet.? Not to mention, they can also help with ear pressure changes on flights!
From clothes to the floor, pacifiers pick up many germs as they travel from baby?s mouth to other surfaces. ?[Pacifiers] can grow mold or fungi and spread infections like thrush, a common fungal infection of the mouth,? says Dr. Ami...
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