These are what the stages of labour are REALLY like, according to two doulas who’ve seen it all

The following is an excerpt from Natalia Hailes and Ash Spivak?s Why Did No One Tell Me This": The Doulas’ (Honest) Guide for Expectant Parents. Reprinted by permission of Running Press, part of the Perseus division of Hachette Book Group. Copyright 2020 Natalia Hailes and Ash Spivak.
Rethinking the stages of labour
You?ve likely read about the ?stages of labour? before based on the dilation of your cervix. We?d like to present them to you in a different light; after all, the numbers don?t give us that much information anyway, and you can?t do cervical exams on your own.
Instead, we want to turn your focus to the experience of labour?the key indicators of how the body and emotions may change throughout the process?so you can get a sense of where you are without focusing as much on the time or whether you?re moving fast enough. Also keep in mind this is based on physiological birth. Things may feel different if and when interventions are introduced, though you may still be able to note some of these markers. Remember every body is different, so it may not happen exactly like this for you.
Getting prepped: “Is it labour now" Is it labour now"”
(aka Pre-Labour)
How long: A few weeks to a few days before the onset of labour. Or you may never experience it at all.
Physical Experience
Increased Braxton-Hicks or ?practice contractions?
Lightning-like sensation in your crotch
Feeling that baby is ?dropping? as baby moves down into pelvis
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