Two-month-old baby sleep and feeding schedule

Your baby is two whole months old?wow! How?s that sleep situation coming along" It might sound counterintuitive, but it could be helpful not to think about how much sleep your baby is getting for a little while. ?Let?s flip the equation around a bit and think about typical wake times for babies,? says Alexis Dubief, a child sleep consultant in Vermont and author of Precious Little Sleep. ?This will help you focus on putting them to sleep at the right time. Your child will then show you the amount of sleep that is normal and healthy for them. Instead of ?this is our target sleep,? think ?let?s set this child up for success.?? Sound like a plan"
Baby?s ninth week
Routines may take a hit around now, as your baby becomes increasingly aware of the world around them. Finding a way to wind down, like a mini baby massage or a soothing bath before bed, can help your baby learn cues that it?s time to rest. There?s still endless feeding going on, too, to fuel all that growth and development. Week 9 sleep schedule
Wake time length: 45 minutes to 1 hour and 45 minutes
Sleep time length: Up to 4 to 8 hours (2 to 4 daytime naps, may wake once or twice overnight)
Total sleep time: 14 to 17 hours a day
Week 9 feeding schedule
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Your baby: 9 weeks old...
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