What is a vacuum delivery"

What is a vacuum delivery"
In a vacuum-assisted delivery, a small suction cup is put on the baby?s scalp. During contractions the mother will be told to push and the doctor will the gently pull the suction. ?This method is used alongside the mom?s efforts,? says Lee Schofield, a family doctor who delivers babies at St. Michael?s Hospital in Toronto. Vacuum-assisted delivery is one of the less invasive procedures to assist delivery, compared to forceps or C-section.
Why might I need one"
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What do contractions feel like"Ideally, at the end of the active stage of your labour you will be encouraged to push, and your efforts will get the baby down the birth canal and safely into your arms. But things don?t always progress as they should. ?This is usually because there is an issue with the delivery?either the baby?s head isn?t coming down, or the mother?s pubic bone is in the way,? says Schofield. Your doctor or midwife might also suggest a vacuum if there is a concern for the baby?like a drop in heart rate?or because the mom is exhausted and pushing isn?t as effective. ?If you get stuck in labour there might be a higher risk of mortality to the baby,? says Schofield. What are the risks"
Most of the risks to the mom associated wit...
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