What to expect at your 20-week ultrasound appointment

The 20-week ultrasound, an anatomy scan that takes place between 18 and 22 weeks is probably one of the longest and most detailed ultrasounds you?ll have during your pregnancy. We asked the experts how to prepare and what to expect.
How long does the 20-week ultrasound take"
Be prepared to spend at least an hour at your 20-week ultrasound appointment, not to mention the time you?ll spend in the waiting room. Your actual scan will probably take about 45 minutes to an hour, or even up to 75 minutes if you are considered high-risk, explains Susan Kinnear, manager of diagnostic imagingat Hamilton Health Sciences Centre and director at large for Sonography Canada. Don?t be afraid to tell the sonographer if you?re uncomfortable, she says, as many women think they have to just bear it if their back hurts or they need to move or go to the bathroom. After the ultrasound, the sonographer has to write up the case, so you may have to wait afterwards as well if you are seeing your doctor for a follow-up appointment or if there are any concerns. What happens at the 20-week ultrasound"
A sonographer will put gel on your belly and use a transducer (ultrasound wand) to get ultrasound images, which are high-frequency sound waves that create images of what?s happening inside your body. You may be asked to move from side to side to get the best images.
 What do you need to prepare for the anatomy ultrasound"
You don?t need to load up on water for the 20-week ultrasound (after ...
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