- Moms and babies

Moms and babies News

When your parents suck as grandparents

When your parents suck as grandparents

Photo: Erik Putz, Pennants: Mandy Milks The first of many fights between Julia* and her mother-in-law started over how (and whether) to burp the baby. Julia?s mother-in-law had come to stay three weeks after the birth of her son, the family?s first...
28-12-2018 21:46 - ( moms )


How to light and edit baby pictures like a pro

How to light and edit baby pictures like a pro

If you want amazing, Insta-worthy pictures of your baby, you should probably learn some technical skills. Read on for the basics on lighting and photo editing. What’s the best light for baby pictures" Getting the lighting right is crucial for a... -
24 secrets of daycare teachers?steal their tricks!

24 secrets of daycare teachers?steal their tricks!

“He had a great day,â€Â your kid?s daycare teacher beams. ?He listened well, napped for three hours and ate all his veggies.? Ever wonder why the child your daycare describes sounds nothing like the one you drop off and pick up every day" There... -
7 mistakes parents make when taking baby pictures

7 mistakes parents make when taking baby pictures

From the moment your baby is born, your smartphone or camera is out, snapping shots multiple times a day. No parent can resist capturing those moments! But when the time comes to set up a DIY photoshoot for some more formal, less candid shots, there... -
I tried all the meal kit delivery services so you don?t have to

I tried all the meal kit delivery services so you ...

Family dinners are my parenting white whale. In the end, we are fed, often healthyishly, but the meal is usually marred by one of the following fails: a last-minute dash (or, no joke, TWO) to the store for a forgotten ingredient; one of my children... -
Should you let your kid make YouTube videos"

Should you let your kid make YouTube videos"

At my son?s kindergarten graduation ceremony, when the teachers asked the kids what they wanted to be when they grew up, at least a few expressed high hopes of becoming ?YouTubers.? So it came as little surprise when, about a month later, my son set... -
How to treat your pregnancy melasma

How to treat your pregnancy melasma

Clare Simmons* first noticed a few dark patches on her cheeks during her honeymoon in Italy. ?It was like I had dirt on my face that I couldn?t clean off,? she says. A few years later, when she was 30 weeks pregnant with her son, the patches... -
16 tips for taking way better pictures of your baby

16 tips for taking way better pictures of your bab...

1. Get physical Don?t hesitate to stand on a chair, lie on the floor or hang over the edge of the crib to get the best possible shot. Your photos will be more interesting if you?re not afraid to move around. 2. Think outside the nursery Location... -
All of Meghan Markle’s stylish maternity looks

All of Meghan Markle’s stylish maternity loo...

/* Mobile breakpoint */ @media screen and (max-width: 769px) { /* Post landing */ .post-landing.rdm-gallery.meghan-markle-maternity-gallery a img { max-width: 749px !important; } } 23 view... -
Our Shining Star

Our Shining Star

I know I have said this many times before, but I can\'t reiterate how thankful we are for the Inspire homeschooling group that Faith joined. Not only has she made some wonderful friends, her social skills have improved, she has more confidence,... -
The actual cost of breastfeeding (spoiler, it?s not free)

The actual cost of breastfeeding (spoiler, it?s no...

You know those articles that insist that babies aren?t actually expensive because they hardly need anything in the first year" There?s a similar line of thinking around breastfeeding. Even before your baby arrives, the topic of feeding will come... -
15 genius cleaning hacks for families

15 genius cleaning hacks for families

/* Mobile breakpoint */ @media screen and (max-width: 769px) { /* Post landing */ .post-landing.rdm-gallery.quick-fixes-for-cleaning a img { max-width: 749px !important; } } 15 view... -
6 parenting trends we hope will finally die in 2019

6 parenting trends we hope will finally die in 201...

View this post on Instagram Jackiee Chavez (@jackieechavez) on Oct 11, 2018 at 8:02pm PDT 1. Milk bath maternity shoots  While these images are often very beautiful, we... -
5 questions to ask your kid before you agree to get them a smartphone

5 questions to ask your kid before you agree to ge...

You’re on your way to pick up your kid after school, and traffic is crawling or your train is delayed or your car breaks down. If only your kid had a phone, you could tell him you’ll be late. It’s moments like these that lead many parents to... -
How pregnancy hormones affect your body in each trimester

How pregnancy hormones affect your body in each tr...

Heather Schwartz was not herself when she was pregnant. In the first few weeks of pregnancy, the Vancouver mother suffered major anxiety and severe mood swings, something she had never experienced before. ?My anxiety was through the roof,? she says.... -
Chrissy Teigen made a restaurant menu with all of Luna’s favourite food

Chrissy Teigen made a restaurant menu with all of ...

In addition to being one of the coolest celeb moms on the internet, Chrissy Teigen is also a renowned cookbook writer, which would probably give you the impression that she can get her kids to eat anything she makes, right" Wrong. According to a... -
Dear Doug Ford, this is why midwives matter

Dear Doug Ford, this is why midwives matter

My last midwife appointment was more than four years ago, and I still remember the feeling of sadness that settled in me as I walked away from the office after being discharged. Because midwives continue to see you and your newborn for six weeks... -
I kind of wish I?d gotten the epidural?both times I gave birth

I kind of wish I?d gotten the epidural?both times ...

The other day I visited a friend of mine who had a week-old baby. She looked so calm and composed. I asked her how her birth was, expecting her to give me the usual, horrific, blood-filled story of screaming and tearing, but she just looked at me... -
Binge-watch after bedtime: What’s coming to Netflix Canada in January 2019

Binge-watch after bedtime: What’s coming to ...

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Photo: Netflix January 1: A Series of Unfortunate Events,  Season 3 (Netflix Original series) Synopsis: In the series? third and final act, the Baudelaires will stop at nothing to solve the mysteries of the VFD and end... -
Baby names making a comeback in 2019

Baby names making a comeback in 2019

With baby naming becoming more competitive than ever, many parents are digging into the past to turn former faves into modern hits. Here?s a list of previously hot monikers expected to hit it big in 2019. (Don?t call it a comeback?they?ve been here... -
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