10 things you should know before getting pregnant

by BabyCenter Guest Blogger posted in Mom Stories
It's 3:01 p.m. I, very literally, have 29 minutes to pee as much as I want until I'm not allowed to pee for more than three hours . . . that is, if I want to learn the gender of my baby today. They tell you that you need a full bladder in order to get the best view of the baby on the ultrasound. I secretly believe ultrasound techs everywhere enjoy this baby mama torture.
This is jut one of many humorous, yet truthful, things every pregnant woman should warn her non-pregnant friends about. Here are a few more:
#1 thing you need to know: It's lies. All lies. You're actually pregnant for a nice, solid 10 months. Not 9. Go ahead...look it up.
#2: Pregnancy brain is a real thing. I'm not talking about losing your keys or forgetting your sun glasses on top of your head. I'm referencing the occasional inability to put a sentence together. It's something special. #3: Getting out of bed becomes a challenge. One of life's seemingly mundane, effortless tasks now involves some grunting.
#4: You will throw up in at least one place that you never thought you would. Forget the bathroom. You just may start carrying a Ziplock bag in your purse.
#5: Baby prep will kick your seemingly manageable Type A, OCD personality into high gear. You'll want to buy diapers (and determine where they'll be kept in the baby's room) during week 9.
And some of the better things...
#6: Feeling your baby move will change your life. The first true movements wil...
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