12 ways summer break sucks the life out of parents

by Carolyn Robertson posted in Parenting
While students - and their teachers, too - are happily launching themselves headfirst into summer, parents aren't quite as excited about the prospect of having their children underfoot for three long, hot months.
Sure, there are a lot of great things about the school break. The evenings get longer, vacations loom, and best of all: NO MORE SCHOOL LUNCHES. Those four glorious little words make my heart beat a little faster.
Let's face it, though - summer has its downside.
Most kids aren't used to being home all day. They're not used to sharing all of that time and space with mom and dad, not to mention their beloved, infuriating brothers and sisters. If you make it to Day 3 of summer break without some kind of epic inter-sibling war breaking out, you're doing pretty good. And then there is that inevitable phrase, the one that is like sharpened nails on the chalkboard of childhood:
"Mooooom, I'm bored."
If you can relate, you will totally understand these parents' Tweets about the struggle that is summer "break."
(Click on the images to follow these funny moms and dads on Twitter)
As much as I love having more time with my daughters when school's out, I'll admit that I can relate to a lot of these.
Still, despite the squabbles and occasional complaints, despite the assortment of wet bathing suits strewn perpetually around the house... it's always a little bittersweet fo...
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