7 reasons Walgreens is the new ?it? store for moms ($5 diapers, anyone")

by Becky Vieira posted in Parenting
Before having a child I could spend hours shopping. Hours. I'd grab a coffee and meander up and down each aisle. There was no diaper budget to contend with. No child bellowing in my ear just to hear the sound of his voice. It was lovely.
Then I gave birth and everything changed. Including the way I shopped.
The luxury of excess time is gone. I had to find one place that offered everything I needed, without me having to obliterate that aforementioned diaper budget. I wanted a store I could trust for my son's needs and mine, too.
Like the cliché says, what I was looking for was right in front of me all along. In fact, it'd been there since 1901. Walgreens. It has everything I wanted and has become my go-to store. Also, while I?m nowhere near talented enough to keep up with the extreme couponers, Walgreens makes it easy to combine deals with points for big savings. I?ve managed to walk away with some pretty great deals (more on that below).
Here's why I love it so:
One-stop shopping. My son has limits when we run errands. I need to get everything done in toddler time. We can?t hit up six different stores; he?ll turn into an unhappy pumpkin around stop three. Walgreens has everything I need. I can have the most hodgepodge shopping list and find it all there. The other day I bought diaper wipes, hummus, duct tape, and picked up a prescription. All in about five minutes.
Location, location, location. It?s not difficult to find a Walgreens,...
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