How awesome are your pregnancy boobs"

by Cindy Wilkins posted in Mom Stories
Lately, there has been a little bow-chicka-bow-wow every time I undress. Thanks to my pregnancy, I have the heaving bosoms of a Harlequin Romance heroine. They are glorious!
Before I get carried away (or busted, haha), let me clarify. Ordinarily, I am barely an A cup. Now, I am a full B cup. Not impressed" Did I mention the words ?barely an A cup?" Did I mention I am NOT a 12 year-old girl"
I would be lying if I said I was never envious of the well endowed, but there are perks to being flat-chested: No sweaty under-boob. No back pain or need for a support bra. The ability to squeeze into my car when someone parks way too close.
First, there was soreness. Then came the groan at the end of each day when I took off my bra. One night after a shower, I turned to face the mirror, partially obscured by steam. I saw only my breasts reflected back. They were fuller, almost unrecognizable. I gasped.  Those are mine"!
What a rush, that first unexpected bounce! I am not kidding. Side-boob" Previously unheard of! I made my husband cup my breasts as I leaned forward, so he could feel the weight of them. He didn?t protest. For all the discomfort, bloating, and pain my pregnant body has to endure, this is my reward, albeit short-lived. Plus, I?ll be a self-sustaining food source for my baby. I love my new pregnancy boobs!
After breastfeeding, my little dumplings will lose some of their filling. Ta ta to my ta-tas! The...
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