- Moms and babies

Moms and babies News

Exam Results 2021: Tips from Lara Pechard, Head of St Margaret?s School

Exam Results 2021: Tips from Lara Pechard, Head of...

This year?s A-level and GCSE exam results are published on 10th and 12th August. In the first of three pieces written especially for results day, Lara Pechard, Head of St Margaret?s, Herts, has some top tips on what parents and pupils can do to...
30-07-2021 21:59 - ( moms )


Today’s Parent is now available on Apple News+

Today’s Parent is now available on Apple New...

If you love magazines, you should get to know Apple News+. Think of it as a digital journalism buffet, an all-access pass to all your favourite magazine and newspaper titles for a subscription of $12.99 a month for the whole family. What is Apple... -
Kristen Bell’s daughter’s name is a ?big, big bummer” right now

Kristen Bell’s daughter’s name is a ?b...

Naming your child can feel like a monumental task. Among other things, you wonder how the perception of the name might change over the years. Parents who named their daughter Karen know just what we mean?as do celeb mom-of-two Kristen Bell and her... -
3 easy and kid-friendly dishes you can make in your air fryer

3 easy and kid-friendly dishes you can make in you...

Photo Gallery air fryer recipes 1 / 3 ... -
7 tips for creating a shared bedroom your kids will love

7 tips for creating a shared bedroom your kids wil...

Like many other families, we noticed that after the pandemic hit, our home was no longer running at its best. Our small Victorian row house was suddenly cluttered and chaotic. Games and toys, typically reserved for weekends, were now a part of our... -
Can headphones really cause hearing loss in kids"

Can headphones really cause hearing loss in kids&q...

Between online schooling, downtime gaming and binge watching Netflix, many kids have spent much of the past year with an added artificial appendage: headphones or buds plastered to their ears. Which makes many parents wonder if headphones can cause... -
Why dads in Canada are more involved in raising their kids than those in the U.S.

Why dads in Canada are more involved in raising th...

Thirty-five years ago, Canadian and American dads were doing a similar amount of child rearing, relative to mothers. Surveys from the mid 1980s showed that Canadian men spent 38% of the time that Canadian women spent on child care, and American men... -
Millfield School at the Olympic Games

Millfield School at the Olympic Games

As Tokyo 2020 gets into full swing, leading sports school, Millfield School in Somerset has the highest number of Olympians attending the games in its history So far, 13 athletes and one coach are in Toyko to compete for their countries. Nine... -
My kid called me ?Mad Mommy? again?and she was right

My kid called me ?Mad Mommy? again?and she was rig...

The following is excerpted from The Mom Babes: A Motherhood Anthology. My daughter called me Mad Mommy. Again. I was filled with rage. I had the same dragon fire eyes that I had seen before, in my childhood. I learned at a young age that noise was... -
We tried family camp?here’s what we learned

We tried family camp?here’s what we learned

I’d never heard of family camp before we were invited to try it out this summer. Turns out, plenty of traditional overnight camps offer ?Family Camp? weeks. At YMCA Wanakita, which is near Haliburton, Ont., an entire side of the camp is usually... -
21 (fun!) cake-worthy parenting achievements

21 (fun!) cake-worthy parenting achievements

Created for  and stock up on all your favourite Deep?n Delicious cakes at your local grocery store. The post 21 (fun!) cake-worthy parenting achievements appeared first on Today's Parent. -
What parents need to know about Canada’s expected RSV resurgence

What parents need to know about Canada’s exp...

As if parents don’t already have enough to worry about with COVID-19, doctors are now warning about another virus that should be on our radar this summer?respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). RSV is a common respiratory virus (it existed pre-COVID)... -
Teaching your kid mindful breathing can help ease their tantrums

Teaching your kid mindful breathing can help ease ...

My two-and-a-half year old shrieked and stomped, tears welling like tiny rainclouds ready to burst. Her dad was trying to put on her snowsuit. ?Mommy do it,†she pleaded, so I grabbed the pants and put her on my lap. “Take a deep breath, in and... -
39 celebrities who are helping normalize breastfeeding

39 celebrities who are helping normalize breastfee...

Photo Gallery Celebrities on breastfeeding 1 / ... -
The independent school alumni representing Team GB

The independent school alumni representing Team GB

With the Olympics opening today, we?re celebrating the independent school alumni who are representing Team GB Eden Cheng, 18, is a diver, who has just left Alleyn?s in south London and is one of those who has been selected for the Olympics. Also... -
8 amazing kids’ movies and shows coming to Netflix Canada this August

8 amazing kids’ movies and shows coming to N...

Netflix Canada has announced which new TV shows and movies will be joining the lineup next month and, of course, that means more options for kids! There are a bunch of titles to look forward to in August 2021, including new episodes of kid... -
Prince George looks just like dad in his 8th birthday photo

Prince George looks just like dad in his 8th birth...

Happy birthday, Prince George! In keeping with their tradition of releasing new photos of the kids to mark their birthdays, Prince William and Kate shared a new portrait of their big boy, who turns eight on July 22?and he looks just like his dad! A... -
The Tokyo Olympics will be a game-changer for athlete moms

The Tokyo Olympics will be a game-changer for athl...

In March, the International Olympic Committee and the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Organizing Committee announced that the Tokyo Games would be the ?first gender-balanced Olympic Games in history.? The gender gap in sport is well-established. Men have... -
14 of the Best Podcasts for Kids

14 of the Best Podcasts for Kids

If you’re in search for an alternative to excessive screen time, these podcasts for kids are a great way to keep little ones entertained. In today?s digital age, many parents have growing concerns over their children?s screen time. With such... -
This new tool can block baby ads for grieving parents

This new tool can block baby ads for grieving pare...

We’ve all searched a product online only to be targeted by similar ads for weeks to come, and while seeing the hair dryer you recently googled is annoying and creepy, it’s easy to gloss over. But if you’ve had a miscarriage, you know just how... -
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